Terms & Conditions
By tendering materials from shipments via JK logistics, the shipper agrees to the terms and conditions stated herein no agent or employ of JK logistics or its servants or the shipper shall alter or modify these terms and conditions.
By the conditions set out below the liability of jk logistics. Herein after refereed to as apex international and its servant and agents is strictly limited to the amount stated in the terms and conditions customers are therefore advised to purchase insurance cover to ensure that their interest are fully protected in all events.
The JK Logistics in non negotiable and the shipper acknowledges that it has been prepared by the shipper or JK Logistics on behalf of the shipper. The shipper stipulates that they are the owner of the goods transported.
Here under as per the GCW or they are the authorized agents of the owner of the goods and that thet hereby accept JK Logistics terms and conditions for themselves and as against for and behalf of any other persons have any interest in the shipment.
The shipper _____that each articles in the shipment is properly described on the GCN, that it does not content any of the commodities by JK Logistics to be unacceptable for transport as specified under clause 22 below and that the shipment is properly marked, addressed and packed to ensure safe transportation with normal care in handling.
The shipper hereby technologies acknowledgment that JK Logistics may abandon and / of the realize any item consigned by the shipper has undervalued or misdeclared whether internationality or otherwise without incurring any liability whatsoever to the shipper and shipper will save and defend indemnify, and hold JK Logistics harmless for all clients, damages, fine and expenses arising therefore.
The shipper shall be solely liable for all costs and expenses (which shall without limitations include OCTROI, STATE AND LOCAL TAXES AND ANY SIMILAR TAXES OR IMPORTS) related to the shipment and for costs incurred in either returning the (LOCAL TAXES AND ANY SIMILAR TAXES OR IMPORTS) related to the shipment and costs incurred in either returning the shipment to the shipper or warehouse the shipment pending its disposal.
PRAYAAS has the right but not the obligation to inspect any shipment including right to discredenary opening of the shipment.
JK LOGISTIC shall have a lien any goods for all freight, storage/warehousing charges Fees. OCTROI, STATE LOCAL TAXES AND ADVANCES or other charges of any arising out of this transaction hereunder and may refuse to surrender possession of the goods until such charges are paid.
Without prejudice of clause 7 the liability JK LOGISTICs for any loss or damage to the shipment (which terns shall include all documents or parcels) consigned to JK LOGISTIC under the GCN per kg is limited to the lessor of :
a) Rs. 10/- (Ten rupees only) or
b) The amount of loss or damage to a document or parcel actually sustained or
c) The actual value of the document or parcel as determined under section 6 hereof, without regarding to its commercial utility ot special value to the shipper.
Shippers have the option of making a special declaration of value for damage on the JK LOGISTIC, GCN to the extent f invoice value of the consignment plus 1% subjects to a maximum overall value limit of Rs. 1,00,000/- (One lakh only) per consignment, on payment of a valuation charges as per JK LOGISTICs. Tariff the maximum liability of the camer will be limited to the extent of the special value declared and paid for (subject to proof of value) as per the JK LOGISTOCS, GCN and exclude and consequential damages and loss or damage resulting from delay in transportation.
The actual value of the parcel (which terms shall include any item of commercial value) transported hereunder shall be ascertained by reference to its cost for reply or replacement, resale to market value at the time and place of shipment and in any value not exceeding the original cost of the article actually paid by the shipper plus 5% but always within the overall limit of 10/- per kg. (Ten Rupees only).
JK LOGISTICS shall not be liable in any event for any consequential or special charges or other indirect loss, however arising whether or not JK LOGISTICS has knowledge that such damages might be incurred including but not limited to loss of income, profit, interest, utility or loss of market.
JK LOGISTICS will Endeavour to exercise its best efforts to provide expeditious delivery accordance with the regular delivery schedule WILL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE LIABLE FOR DELAY IN PICK UP TRANSPORTAION OR DELIVERY OF ANY SHIPMENT REGARDLESS OF CAUSE OF SUCH DELAYS. Further, JK LOGISTICS shall not able for any loss, damage, mis-delivery or non-delivery.
- Due to act of God, force majeure or any cause reasonable beyond the control of JK LOGISTICS , or
- Caused by
- The act default or omission of the shipper the consignee or any other party who claims and interest in the shipment (including violation of any term of condition hereof) or of any person to whom a shipment is tendered by JK LOGISTICS for the transportation to any location not regularly served by JK LOGISTICS regardless of whether the shipper requested or had knowledge of such third party delivery arrangement.
- The nature of the shipment or any detect characteristic or inherent vice thereof.
- Electrical magnetic injury erasure of such damage to electronic or photographic images or regarding in any form.
- Acceptance of the consignments by consignees, at the time of delivery will constitute a complete discharge of the contract of camage by the company and its liability arising from it.
- Claims if any must be brought by the shipper/consignee and delivered in writing to the office of JK LOGISTICS to the nearest location at which the shipment is accepted within 30 days of the date such acceptance. No claim shall be entertained until all transportation charges have been paid. The amount of any such claim will not be deducted from any transportation charges owned to JK LOGISTICS.
The carriers reserve the right to arrange transportation of consignment by the mode of transport best suitable for expeditious delivery.
These terms and conditions shall apply to incur to the benefit JK LOGISTICS and its authorized agents and affiliated companies and their officers, directors and employees.
- HAZARDOUS & DANGEROUS GOODS are prohibited for carriage under JK LOGISTICS services. A list of such hazardous and prohibited goods is available for reference in the booking office.
- Consignments chemicals and drugs will only be acceptable if they do not fall under the category of dangerous and prohibited goods and the shippers provided a declaration in writing to the effect that the contents are harmless and non-inflammable.
- Precious cargo in the form Gold , Bullion, Sliver Bar, jewellery, Gems, Precious Stones and other precious Metals, Currency Notes, Traveler’s Cheques, Cashier’s cheques, Antiques Stamps are not acceptable.
- Liquor perishables, Live Stock, Human remains, Film positive, paints, firearms, Drugs, Lewd, Obscene or Photographic materials are not acceptable.